Information in Utahn's FBI lawsuit points to possible co-conspirators in Oklahoma City blast
For years, Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue has maintained his brother was killed in prison months after the Oklahoma City bombing by interrogators who mistakenly believed he was connected to the attack. Now, a new congressional report says federal authorities failed to investigate evidence suggesting Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols had assistance plotting the bombing - and some of the information pointing to co-conspirators came out of Trentadue's lawsuits against the FBI. And it adds fuel to the mystery of Kenneth Trentadue's supposed suicide in 1995 at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City. Trentadue believes FBI records hold clues to his brother's death and has fought the agency in court for those documents. Some that have been ordered released say investigators got tips about a possible link between the April 19, 1995, bombing and a group of white supremacist bank robbers with links to a training camp in Elohim City, Okla.
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