Austin 9/11 Truth Movie Night: February 22
"911Press for Truth" hosted by Dr. Kevin Barrett
"If this film were shown on Network TV, America would be out of Iraq
in two months"
The Austin Citizens for 9/11 Truth group is proud to be sponsoring a
free event: a special screening of the acclaimed 9/11 film "911 Press
For Truth", hosted by esteemed 9/11 activist, author and scholar
Kevin Barrett, associate professor at the University of Wisconsin,
who will be both speaking before the film and leading a question &
answer session afterwards.
"911 Press For Truth" is being hailed as the very best film produced
to date that exposes the US government's troubling resistance to
starting and conducting an honest investigation of the events of that
fateful day. Inexplicably, this administration's resistance to an
investigation was the obstacle to that inquiry for an incredible 441
days after 9/11.
"911 Press For Truth" reveals the "Jersey Girls"
heroic struggle to force our government to answer the questions
surrounding the events that resulted in their husbands' tragic
deaths, and packs an emotional wallop unlike any other 9/11 film. No
one can view this film and walk away believing this government wants
the whole story of 9/11 revealed to the American people. Every
citizen desiring to be told the truth behind the events of 9/11 must
experience "911 Press For Truth".
Dr. Kevin Barrett is the lead editor of 9/11 and American Empire v.2:
Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out, and the author of Truth
Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie. Dr. Barrett has
taught in Islamic and Arabic Studies, Folklore, and African
Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 1996. Last
summer, when it became known that he planned to speak openly in class
about 9/11, state officials nearly had him fired. Barrett coordinates
the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
( and is a leading figure in both the 9/11 truth movement
and the fight for academic freedom.
Barrett has appeared or been featured many times on CNN, Fox,
Unavision, BC, CBS and other leading broadcast outlets, and has been
the subject of extensive articles and op-eds in the New York Times,
Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor and other newspapers.
As the 9/11 Truth Movement continues to gather momentum in America
and around the world, the goal of this evening is to explore both the
unanswered questions concerning 9/11 and the implications for our
future. 9/11 has since been used by this government as the
justification for elective, costly invasions abroad and a continuing
reduction of individulal freedoms at home. This event's sponsors
consider viewing "911 Press For Truth" to be crucially important for
every citizen demanding answers to what really happened on 9/11. All
Americans who believe that our future depends on the criminals behind
9/11being exposed and brought to justice, will benefit by seeing
these brave, determined Americans and their quest for the truth of
This event will be held at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of
Austin in the Sanctuary at 7pm, Thursday, February 22. DVDs of the
film will be given away while supplies last. Donations gratefully
accepted. 4700 Grover. For more information go to: