An Infowars reader asked Barack Obama about 9/11. He gave a
disappointing "mistakes were made" type answer:
Democrat Presidential frontrunner Senator Barack Obama has
responded to a question posed by an Infowars reader regarding
government complicity in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks.
Three months after the reader sent Obama a correspondence outlining
her great concern that criminal elements of the government were
directly complicit in the attacks, the Senator sent the following
response via email, which was then forwarded to us:
Dear Penny:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your belief that the U.S.
government was complicit in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.
I appreciate hearing your passionate views on this matter.
While I do not believe the U.S. government was complicit in the
attacks, I do think it should be held accountable for the
unacceptable mistakes it made in the run-up to that terrible day. The
blunders that occurred prior to the 2001 attacks were inexcusable and
often outrageous. The series of clear warnings about the potential
use of hijacked planes as weapons is just one example of why
the "surprise" of 9/11 should have been anticipated. In my view,
proof of government complicity is not necessary when making the
argument that the U.S. should accept some responsibility for what
happened on 9/11.
Thank you again for writing.
Barack Obama
United States Senator
Perhaps Obama's statement "proof of government complicity is not
necessary when making the argument that the U.S. should accept some
responsibility for what happened on 9/11" is a clue to his thinking.
In other words, like most Democratic politicians, he may think that
proving the Bush administration was incompetent will be enough to
elect a Democratic president in 2008, and so that's as far as the
inquiry should go.
However, what all of the Democrats have to understand is that
bigger and bigger false flag attacks -- and the new wars and further
destructions of Constitutional rights which they enable -- will be
carried out unless the perpetrators of 9/11 are busted. If the school
yard bully is not punished, he will grow up to be a brutal criminal.
We should carry on with the campaigns started by,, and others to demand that
all 2008 candidates declare where they stand on 9/11, and whether
they are willing to demand a new investigation, criminal
prosecutions, etc.
If anyone wants to educate Obama to the true facts of government
complicity, you can email him through this webpage or contact him
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2854
(202) 228-4260 fax
Friday, February 16, 2007
Fwd: Obama is in Denial Over 9/11 Government Complicity