Posted By: Rayelan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 28 March 2007, 8:57 p.m.
Here is a BBC documentary about the bombing of the Murrah
Building that has never been shown in the USA. You will see and hear
things about the bombing at the Murrah Building that most citizens of
the United States have never heard before. The information was sent
to me by a member of V.O.T.I.V.E.S. -
Many of the OKC bombing victim family members belong to the OKC
organization "Victims of Terrorism Information and Vital Exchange
Services", also known as VOTIVES, which has over 194 members. In
August 2005 VOTIVES sent letters to Oklahoma's US Senators James
Inhofe and Tom Colburn. The letters asked the Senators to request
Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and a federal prosecutor for
criminal conduct of FBI and DOJ officials. VOTIVES spokesman Gloria
Chipman also was on an OKC KTOK radio magazine program in August 2005
with host Gwin Lippert describing the reasons for the VOTIVES request
to Inhofe and Coburn.
The VOTIVES letter follows formal requests I made in writing in
early August 2005 to US Senator Inhofe and US Senator Coburn for
Senate Judiciary hearings and prosecutions of certain individual FBI
and DOJ officials relating to the OKC bombing based on FBI and court
documents and news article interviews that I sent to the Senators'
offices and staff in DC. These documents are not based on some
conspiracy theory, they are actual FBI documents obtained by Salt
Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue referred to above that show FBI
and DOJ direct criminal complicity with provocateurs in the murder of
169 people in the OKC bombing and in perjury and criminal obstruction
before OK state and federal grand juries and trials.
Patrick Briley
September 10, 2005 For those who can NOT watch the video due to
dialup problems, I made an audio recording of it. I will post it in
the thread. You can listen to it while you continue "surfing" the
articles on RMN.