BREAKING NEWS! Kucinich Publicly Acknowledges Need for 9/11
"Kucinich brings hard-nosed arguments"
In an article published today at
"said that as chairman of a House subcommittee on domestic policy, he
plans to launch an investigation of 'a narrow portion' of the Sept.
11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He offered few details, but said his
subcommittee would be looking at 'a few, specific discrepancies in
the public record.' The 9/11 Commission that published its final
report in 2004 never resolved some conflicting facts, Kucinich said.
He announced his own look at 9/11 in answer to a question from an
audience member. The man complained that the 9/11 Commission was too
tied to the Bush administration to offer an unbiased report, and
Kucinich agreed."
We encourage readers to share this information with
your lists, and to contact Rep. Kucinich with a note of support at You might also wish to express gratitude
to this TimesUnion reporter, Dan Higgins, by e-mail at
Secondly, Rep. Kucinich is asking blog readers, "Impeachment:
I'm asking you. Do you think it's time?"
Please take a moment and reply to Rep. Kucinich's question at that
page... "Yes, and please include Articles of Impeachment for criminal
negligence and obstruction of justice arising from the crimes of
September 11th, 2001."
1. Fundraising Appeal
2. Planning for - sponsored conference in mid-August
3. Bob Bowman's US Tour
4. Mark Crispin Miller Promotes David Ray Griffin's New Book
5. Steering Committee/Advisory Board Update
6. Week-Long Corporate Shopping Boycott Set to Begin April15
7. Take Action/Calendar
8. Timely comparisons with Reagan's 1991 "October Surprise"
1. Spring Fundraiser Kicks Off
It is with a small amount of anxiety and a great deal of hope that
we announced our Spring 2007 Fundraiser. Many of you
have already received an email from us, but many may not have, due
to bulk mailing snafus and the like. If you have already donated
during this drive, we thank you very much. If you have not, please
consider contributing at this critically important time.
You probably know that gets by on a very small
administrative budget, yet there are so many things we want to do!
We need your support more than ever. Without it, many of the
projects we have planned for the year may be in jeopardy,
--National conference in August
--New National Poll
--Producing new, valuable materials for free distribution, like a
"Top 40 Reasons to Doubt the Official Story" DVD and pamphlet
--Sending representatives of to meet with
Congresspersons and Senators, and to represent the movement at
coalition events where our voice must be heard.
--Promotion and advertising of the 911 Truth message, demanding a
new, independent investigation of 9/11 and real justice for the
victims. For instance, as many of you have suggested, we'd like to
see 9/11 Truth billboards everywhere!
Our goal for this spring is $50,000, and every contribution - large
or small - helps and is genuinely appreciated. There are a number
of ways to support the efforts of You can become a
monthly sustainer ( )
for as little as $5/month, make a one-time donation, offer in-kind
donations or select premium items from our resource center (
) donations page. Please take a moment to make your donation now and
help us keep going strong!
2. Conference Being Planned for mid-August is in the early planning stages of a national
conference to be held in mid-August, with a location and theme to
be announced shortly. The conference will focus on the problems
with the way the major media report stories like 9/11, and discuss
strategies for re-taking, and re-making, the public airwaves. We'll
have a more thorough description of the conference along with dates
and location in our next newsletter.
3. Bowman Tour USA, Calling All Patriots
Dr. Bob Bowman, the retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel and recent
candidate for the US House of Representatives, has embarked on a
national tour to awaken the citizenry to the drift toward fascism
in the US and to call on people to unite in demanding a return to
constitutional rule.
"There is a Bible verse which says, 'There is no longer male nor
female, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free ...' I would like to
adapt that idea to our purpose. 'There is no longer Republican
nor Democrat, conservative nor liberal, hawk nor dove. There are
only we Patriots speaking truth to power and taking back our
country for the people.'"
Bowman's statement of purpose and link to the full tour schedule are
posted at:
4. Mark Crispin Miller Promotes David Ray Griffin's New Book (
The irrepressible and brilliant Mark Crispin Miller, a strong
supporter of 9/11 skepticism, has posted a summary on his blog of
David Ray Griffin's new book, "Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer
to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy
Griffin's book is not scheduled to be out until May, but you can
pre-order it from here (
). Speaking of Griffin, if you have not read his excellent essay on
the use of 9/11 as a pretext for imperial wars, and the place of
9/11 crimes in the impeachment debate, see this article (
5. Steering Committee/Advisory Board Change
Long-time steering committee member Gabriel Day has
moved from the steering committee to the advisory
board. We thank Gabriel for his tireless efforts on behalf of 9/11
truth, particularly surrounding last year's Chicago conference and
building a national network of 911truth activists, and look forward
to his continued involvement in this new role. For more info about
who's who at, our Mission Statement and Editorial
Policy, Achievements and Goals, please review the section linked
from About Us ( ) at
the main page. Please send emails specifically about outreach and
networking to outreach@...
6. Week-long National Corporate Shopping Boycott begins April 15
We hope you're preparing now for the April 15-22, Tax Day to Earth
Day, National Shopping Boycott ( )
when we're asked to avoid all corporate shopping and truly consider
where we're putting our money. The site includes some great
resources for learning some truth about corporations, banks,
contractors, and political money. Lew Brown, National Coordinator
of the boycott, explains: "By holding back on our spending, with
discipline and resolve and in sympathy for the millions who live in
misery because of this administration's policies, we not only show
our concern for the pain of others, we also put a little fear in
the hearts of those who have profited from this travesty." This is
a significant opportunity to take power into your own hands, as one
participant in a much larger, coordinated effort -- join in and Be
the Resistance!
7. Take Action!
Get involved! Many specific ideas for action are listed at our
article, "Now that you know, what can you do?" ( )
Join a local group - check out the list of local organizers at the
Grassroots Contacts page ( ). Nobody
in your area? Become the contact ( ) to form
your own local group.
And watch the 9/11 Calendar ( ) for events near you. Know of
an event that's not listed there? Post it, or forward that link to
the event organizer. It's open to everyone hosting 9/11-related
events. We are everywhere!
Steering Committee member Michael Berger has several interviews
coming up (one tonight!), in coordination with the national
Improbable Collapse Tour. Check the calendar for details, and
contact him at Mike@... to schedule a tour stop in your
area. For more details about the movie, "Improbable Collapse: The
Demolition of our Republic," a wealth of background information and
the movie trailer, check out ( )."
8. Timely Excerpt from Gary Sick's "October Surprise, America's
Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan" published by
Random House in 1991. Editor's Note:
Why don't more citizens accept the possibility that powerful people
within the halls of power are capable of "crimes that make the laws
tremble"? Here are some profound comments on the subject from former
National Security Council member Gary Sick. He was speaking about
the sociopolitical situation in the 1980s with respect to the
Iran-Contra scandal and the October Surprise, but he may just have
easily been talking about today's sociopolitical climate. If
anything, the climate today is more hostile to truth-telling.
From pages 226 - 228:
"We are accustomed to the petty scandals of Washington politics: A
candidate for high office is a lush or a compulsive womanizer; an
official lies to cover up an embarrassing policy failure. These are
misdeeds on a human scale, and those miscreants who are unfortunate
enough or careless enough to get caught are pilloried and punished
by the press and their peers in periodic cleansings. We regard such
rituals with a certain satisfaction, evidence of our democracy at
There is another category of offenses, described by the French poet
Andre Chenier as "les crimes puissants qui font trembler les lois,"
crimes so great that they make the laws themselves tremble. We know
what to do with someone caught misappropriating funds, but when
confronted with evidence of a systematic attempt to undermine the
political system itself, we recoil in a general failure of
imagination and nerve.
We understand the motives of a thief, even if we despise them. But
few of us have ever been exposed to the seductions of power on a
grand scale and we are unlikely to have given serious thought to
the rewards of political supremacy, much less to how it might be
achieved. We know that groups and individuals covet immense power
for personal or ideological reasons, but we suppose that those
ambitions usually will be pursued within the confines of the laws and
values of our society and democratic political system. If not, we
assume we will recognize the transgressions early enough to protect
Those who operate politically beyond the law, if they are deft and
determined, benefit from our often false sense of confidence. There
is a natural presumption, even among the politically sophisticated,
that "no one would do such a thing." Most observers are predisposed
toward disbelief, and therefore may be willing to disregard evidence
and to construct alternative explanations for events that seem too
distasteful to believe. This all-too-human propensity provides a
margin of safety for what would otherwise be regarded as immensely
risky undertakings.
Illegitimate political covert actions are attempts to alter the
disposition of power. Since all of politics involves organized
contention over the disposition of power, winners can be expected
to maintain that they were only playing the game, while those who
complain about their opponents' methods are likely to be dismissed
as sore losers. Even if suspicions arise, the charges are potentially
so grave that most individuals will be reluctant to give public
credence to allegations in the absence of irrefutable evidence. The
need to produce a "smoking gun" has become a precondition for
responsible reporting of political grand larceny. The participants
on political covert actions understand this and take pains to cover
their tracks, so the chance of turning up incontrovertible
Documentation of wrongdoing - such as the White House tapes in the
Watergate scandal - is slim.
This leads to a journalistic dilemma. In the absence of indisputable
evidence, the mainstream media - themselves large commercial
institutions with close ties to the political and economic
establishment - are hesitant to declare themselves on matters of
great political gravity. The so-called alternative media are less
reluctant, but they are too easily dismissed as irresponsible. By
the time the mainstream media are willing to lend their names and
reputations to a story of political covert action, the principal
elements of the story have almost always been reported long before
in the alternative media, where they were studiously ignored.
When the Iran-Contra scandal exploded in 1986, both Congress and the
media pulled up short. Neither had the stomach for the kind of
national trauma that would have resulted from articles of
impeachment being delivered against a popular President in who was
his last two years in office. So, when it could not be proven
conclusively that the President saw the "smoking gun" in the case -
a copy of a memo to Reagan reporting in matter-of-fact terms that
proceeds of Iranian arms sales were being diverted to the Nicaraguan
contras - the nation seemed to utter a collective sigh of relief.
(The original memo, bearing the signatures of those who had seen
it, had been deliberately destroyed.) The laws trembled at the
prospect of a political trial that could shatter the compact of
trust between rulers and ruled, a compact that was the foundation
upon which the laws themselves rested. The lesson seemed to be that
accountability declines as the magnitude of the offense and the power
of those charged increase.
The ultimate dilemma, which Chenier captured so perfectly in his
comment on the revolutionary politics of eighteenth-century France,
is the effect of very high stakes. A run-of-the-mill political
scandal can safely be exposed without affecting anyone other than
the culprits and their immediate circle. A covert political coup,
however, like the one engineered by Casey in 1980, challenges the
legitimacy of the political order; it deliberately exploits
weaknesses in the political immune system and risks infecting the
entire organism of state and society."
As always, we thank you all for your continuing, powerful efforts
and support of the organization and our collective efforts.
The Steering Committee
Janice Matthews, Executive Director, 816-277-9375, Kansas City, MO,
Mike Berger, Media Coordinator, 314-308-4893, St. Louis, MO,
David Kubiak, International Campaign Advisor, 207-332-3071, San
Francisco, CA, david@...
Erik Larson, Volunteer Coordinator, Los Angeles, CA,
Michael Richardson, Webmaster & Contributing Editor,
Bryan Sacks, Research/Editor, 267-228-0136, Philadelphia, PA,
Michael Wolsey, Rocky Mountain Program Coordinator, 970-576-6431,
Greeley, CO, michael@...
Administrative calls, tips, ideas and emails: 800.985.1183,
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