---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: Re: [9-11-NeXuS] "Impeachment: I'm asking you. Do you think it's time?" (Kucinich) From: "galen"
Date: Tue, March 20, 2007 4:07 pm
To: 9-11-NeXuS@yahoogroups.com
"Scholars for Truth"
"NY 911"
"Dennis Kucinich"
"John Conyers"
Cc: "galen"
Hi all, i happen to know Kucinich, i worked on his campaign in '04 and he was on my cable TV show. I also know that Kucinich knows about 9-11 but he refuses to talk about it. I just registered on his site and commented on his call for impeachment. In my comment, i encouraged him to talk about 9-11. If several dozen more people do the same, maybe Kucinich will finally get the courage to start speaking up about 9-11.
Our movement is gaining momentum. Getting someone like Kucinich or John Conyers to end their silence about the treasonous crimes of 9-11 might be the final straw that breaks the camel's back.
In Truth and Justice -- galen
calgirlsddd85021 wrote:
> See the video on YouTube: http://kucinich.us/node/3696
> Transcript of "Impeachment: I'm asking you. Do you think it's time?"
> __,_._,___