From: Jonathan Mark
Subject: Pre-9/11 Intel * War On Consciousness
Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
April 18, 2007 - Pre-9/11 Intel * War On Consciousness
"The attack on 911 was planned,
organized and committed by treasonous perpetrators
that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government."
-- Colonel Guy S. Razer USAF
(ret.) -- Pilots for 911 truth
1) French Intelligence Warned CIA of 9/11 Plot in January 2001
- - Request for Correction to 9/11 NIST Report
- - Book Review of Debunking 9/11 Myths
- - Bringing Down the House of Cards -- The Final 'Leg' of the Journey - - The War On Consciousness
2) Moyers Documentary Blasts Bush Lies, Media Complicity
- - Struggles Against Unfair Death Sentence
- - 9/11 Truth Swarming Out of the Valleys
Editor's Notes:
As many of you know, we are currently engaged in an unprecedented 9/11 truth tour with Michael Berger and film, Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic. According to Stephen Goodale, co-founder for Valley 9/11 Truth, Mike Berger " blowing people out of the water with his incredible knowledge of details about 9/11 in so many different areas!" You can attend his presentations for two weeks straight and still learn something new and important each time. In this issue is a book review by William Veale, who is running for Senate in California, and working Mike Berger for a Citizen's Grand Jury in Washington D.C. this summer, if financially possible. The information for cover-up and high crimes and misdemeanor is evident.
In item one, check out articles on 'war on consciousness,' and Steve Bhaerman coming to his deeper political senses, courage, and intellect - regarding 9/11/01. This Bhaerman article was posted on David Swanson's site, Swanson writes in the second item about an upcoming Bill Moyers special - - showing multiple lies from Bush and gang, and the media's complicity. Even Bill Moyers misses (by a long shot) the number of deaths in Iraq of innocent people. Following this is an item on an Indiana prisoner, Zola Agona Azania, requesting support in stopping the unfair use of the death penalty. The last piece was my letter to the editor of the Valley Advocate. Since being ignored by this and other local "alternative" news outlets -- at least FN will publish it. Please note that 9/11 truth is growing, and plans are in the works for a Manchester NH September 11 event, and an October international conference with and truthers and open to the public
in Hartford, CT this October.
A partial sunrise comes to mind
in half empty spaces
filling the void
to dream and yet to awaken
when time has no space
and memory listens no more.
*********************************************************************** For issue with articles and links, see:
April 18, 2007 - Pre-9/11 Intel * War On Consciousness
Northeast USA 9/11 Truth
"Improbable Collapse:
The Demolition of our Republic"
Michael Berger
Media Coordinator for
4/18 Best Western . . Concord, NH; 4/19 Dover Friends Meeting House, Dover, NH; 4/20 UMASS Edu.., New Bedford, MA; 4/21 Democracy Center, Cambridge, MA; 4/22 Wilton Town Hall Theater, NH; April 23rd Hampshire College, Amherst, MA
News fit to transmit in the post Cassini flyby era
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for life's survival in the 21st Century