Dr. Adrian H. Krieg has agreed to be a contributing writer for the Muckraker Report! Look for Dr. Krieg's first article in the next few days!
Joseph Murtagh has wrote a follow-up piece
on the Jersey Widows petition effort. They need 3,800 more signatures to head back to Washington. Please use your e-mail lists and ask everyone you know to please sign the petition today.
Ed Haas and Attorney Jerry Leaphart will be filing a "Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief" in Federal Court, most likely on 5/7/07. The purpose is to get the court to intervene upon the government's corrupt and compromised investigation into how WTC7 collapsed in 6.6 seconds on September 11, 2001. Once filed, we will publish the documents on the Muckraker Report.
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