Subject: Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference, June 22nd - 24th 2007
To: alfonslof@yahoo.com
Dear Alfons,
we will be hosting a conference in Vancouver, B.C. from June 22nd - 24th, 2007
We would appreciate it if you could put a banner on your site and mention the conference on your podcasts.
I hope to have some short radio ads too in mp3 format soon.
By the way, Dennis Kyne will be one of our guests and will address the DU issue.
location: http://www.v911truth.org/images/banners/V911T_%20conference_HalfBanner_White.gif
small vertical banner 135 x 180 px
location: http://www.v911truth.org/images/banners/V911T_conference_banner_small_white_135_x_180.jpg
You can find all the conference details here: http://www.v911truth.org/conference2007.html
Please link the banners to our conference webpage.
Thanks in advance and keep up the great work!
-- Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society http://www.v911truth.org/