Confronting Michael Moore and Amy Goodman with 9/11 truth
On 6/17/07, my brother and I attended a special sneak peek screening of Michael Moore's new film "Sicko" at the Regal Theater in Times
The premiere was attended by many 9/11 first responders, such as John Feal, Founder/President of the Feal Good Foundation and Vito Valenti, chairman of that same organization.
We confronted both Michael Moore and NPR's Amy Goodman about the real truth behind the events of September 11th, 2001.
Ask yourself this question: What pulverized the concrete which is now embedded in so many responders' lungs, slowly and painfully killing them as we speak? Michael Moore admitted that many of the firefighters that have spoken to him since 9/11 have told him that they heard explosions in the buildings.
We also snuck in a question about Ron Paul, but Moore told us he's "genetically prohibited" from voting for him. Guess voting for the liberal candidate is more important than defending the Constitution and the American people.
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