From: "Live365 Director of Broadcasting"
June 20, 2007 Dear Live365 Broadcaster,
Live365, along with the SaveNetRadio coalition and Internet radio stations throughout the U.S., will be participating in a Day of Silence on Tuesday, June 26th.
On June 26th, from 3 a.m. Pacific to midnight, all 10,000 Live365 stations launched from our website, and Internet radio broadcasts nationwide, will go silent. Free listeners who tune into stations will be redirected to a Day of Silence stream that offers an explanation, broadcaster testimonials and a call to action. VIP listeners will receive a Day of Silence PSA before being connected to the station's regular programming (if available). The Day of Silence will only apply to stations launched from the Live365 website. Professional broadcast launches outside of the Live365 website will not be affected. (X5000 broadcasts in the iTunes radio directory will be redirected to the Day of Silence stream.) If you are a Professional broadcaster and wish to participate from your own website, visit for more information (broadcaster log-in required). Personal broadcasters, we have done all the work for you... your station's regular listeners will automatically be redirected to the Day of Silence stream. We are also asking for PSA submissions from you. We'll be occasionally interrupting the silence with PSAs in the voices of Live365 broadcasters. We have scripts and submission instructions on the Broadcaster Choice page. The Day of Silence will bring much needed attention to the danger Internet radio is encountering. We recommend contacting your local media letting them know of the planned Day of Silence and its meaning. Visit for a helpful media search tool. If you have specific questions or comments please check out our Day of Silence discussion on our Boards, and our Day of Silence FAQ. We understand the possible disruptions this can cause, but feel drastic measures are necessary. Joining together with all other Internet radio stations we will show them what they can look forward to if things don't change quickly... Silence. Best,
Jason Stoddard
Director, Broadcasting
Ps. I can't tell you how proud it makes us here at Live365 to have the undivided front of our thousands of broadcasters. You have been a driving force in Internet radio's battle for fairness and parity. 950 Tower Lane 4th Floor Foster City CA 94404 Copyright © 2007
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