Please come to the PHILADELPHIA EMERGENCY ANTI-WAR CONVENTION JULY 4, 2007 This convention was originally called forth by Cindy Sheehan as a response to the betrayal of the antiwar cause by Congress. Cindy gave a call to, ?all citizens to join us in Philadelphia on July 4th to try and figure a way out of this "two" party system that is bought and paid for by the war machine which has a stranglehold on every aspect of our lives. As for myself, I am leaving the Democratic Party. You have completely failed those who put you in power to change the direction our country is heading. We do not condone our government's violent meddling in sovereign countries and we condemn the continued murderous occupation of Iraq. We are convening to explore what to do next? What are we missing, and what can we do better? How do we release the war machine?s stranglehold around us? In the living tradition of the Declaration of Independence, we convene to form a strategic alliance with anti-war, pro-impeachment, civil liberties, and other groups to develop a comprehensive strategy and implement actions to deal with this emergency. Join us to deliberate with a wide variety of groups to create viable solutions. *** Sponsors: Peace Action-Delaware Valley, Philadelphia Regional Anti-War Network, Northeast 9/11 Truth, Green Party of Vermont join us Location: Independence Visitor Center, 6th & Market, Philadelphia, PA Time: 1:00-9:00 pm, July 4th For more information contact, Bruce Marshall or Paul Deslauriers, 413-232-7888
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