Hi Frank,This is Alfons of v911t, I met you at St. Mark's last 9/8/2006 when I spoke there. That was such an honor.
I just listened to your interview on Guns n' Butter. I wanted to let you know that I agree with your analysis of the present situation, although I don't agree with your prognosis. The people we are dealing with here have cremated their Care, and replaced it with a cold heart and a mind with no conscience. For the Greater Good, the end justifies the means, and what they really mean is, for the Good of the Great, the illuminated, the ends justify the means. “They” are the best example of the banality of evil I have seen in a long time. Reminds me of a chapter in M. Scot Peck's, The Road less Traveled, and called The Problem with Evil. To cut to the chase here, I just don’t believe that any amount of protesting, pleading or reasoning will have an effect on these maniacs who are clearly our enemies. To try to reason with one who has lost all reason is like giving medicine to a dead man. So if that is true, then what is left? Not very much, and it is to me at least, fairly obvious what the limited avenues we have left. The windows of opportunity are quickly closing and so time of the essence.
Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How are we going to get there? The first two steps are easy compared to the last step. This is where wisdom is needed and the hush of silence prevails, and no one seems to know these most important answers. It is uncharted territory. The truth is unspeakable, yet this story needs to be told.
By means of Truth we shall wage Peace.
Peace through Truth,
Alfons v911t
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Alf's email to Frank Morales
Alf comments on Frank's recent interview on Gun n' Butter. Frank is the pastor at St. Mark's Church in NYC, in the Bowery.