Rob sent out an email informing all members of Pilots for 9/11 Truth about the Pilots and Aviation Professionals page that was under development at PatriotsQuestion911. It came together more easily than expected, so I launched it today, Monday, July 23. It can be seen at
Thanks for adding your voice to this effort. I'm hopeful this new page will help educate people about the many significant aviation-related problems with the official account of 9/11. I'm also hopeful it will encourage more people in the aviation industry to reevaluate the official account of 9/11.
Please take a look at your citation and let me know of any corrections that need to be made. If, in the future, you ever want your citation revised, I'll work with you to make those changes. If you ever want your citation entirely removed, it will be removed immediately.
I want it to be clear that, unlike Pilots for 9/11 Truth, this is not an organization and none of these individuals are formally associated with the website. The website is a reference collection of their public statements.
The site currently features statements by more than 600 credible individuals that criticize, question, or contradict the official account of 9/11, with more being added all the time. They include:
100+ Senior Military Officers, Intelligence Services and Law Enforcement Veterans, and Government Officials 170+ Engineers and Architects 50+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals 140+ Professors 120+ 9/11 Survivors and Victim Family Members 80+ Entertainment and Media Professionals
Thank you again for seeking the truth and for having the courage and integrity to speak out on this incredibly important issue.
Best regards, Alan