History Channel Hit Piece Consulted "Experts"?
08/23/07 - The latest hit piece against the 9/11 Truth Movement aired on The History Channel this past Monday. The program went through various events that occurred on September 11, 2001 in a fashion of introducing a "claim" followed by "expert" response. The majority of "expert" response was supplied by David Coburn and James Meigs of Popular Mechanics, which is owned by Hearst Publishing (Hearst Publishing is also part owner of The History Channel), which set the standard in Yellow Journalism. Replies from such "experts" did not include any solid rebuttal. It is no surprise that the only "experts" they interviewed were titled as such when in support (read: making excuses) for the government story. The experts who question the government story were instead referred to as "Conspiracy Theorists" and were either given very little airtime to present their research/concerns, had details edited out, or were omitted from the program altogether. Pilots For 9/11 Truth, Veterans For 9/11 Truth and Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth were never contacted to present information for this program. Was it because the producers of this hit piece were unaware such organizations filled with Experts existed? David Ray Griffin -- who was interviewed for the program -- had this to say when asked if the producers were aware of the above organizations:
visit http://pilotsfor911truth.org for full article.
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08/23/07 - The latest hit piece against the 9/11 Truth Movement aired on The History Channel this past Monday. The program went through various events that occurred on September 11, 2001 in a fashion of introducing a "claim" followed by "expert" response. The majority of "expert" response was supplied by David Coburn and James Meigs of Popular Mechanics, which is owned by Hearst Publishing (Hearst Publishing is also part owner of The History Channel), which set the standard in Yellow Journalism. Replies from such "experts" did not include any solid rebuttal. It is no surprise that the only "experts" they interviewed were titled as such when in support (read: making excuses) for the government story. The experts who question the government story were instead referred to as "Conspiracy Theorists" and were either given very little airtime to present their research/concerns, had details edited out, or were omitted from the program altogether. Pilots For 9/11 Truth, Veterans
For 9/11 Truth and Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth were never contacted to present information for this program. Was it because the producers of this hit piece were unaware such organizations filled with Experts existed? David Ray Griffin -- who was interviewed for the program -- had this to say when asked if the producers were aware of the above organizations:
visit http://pilotsfor911truth.org for full article.