Come to Washington this September for the historic union of the
9/11Truth, Peace and Impeachment movements. March with us as we honor
the victims of 9/11 and the thousands of casualties of the illegal
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Call for the end of the bogus war on
terror, impeachment of the criminals in the White House and
restoration of our civil liberties.
Come for the Truth, stay for the Peace and Justice!
Tuesday, September 11: Noon - Rally at Lafayette Park,
Pennsylvania Ave., in front of the White House.
Cross country walkers arrive: Mario Penlaver, Bro. Raymond and Bro.
Speakers: Webster Tarpley, Ralph Schoenman, David Lindorff, Carlo
Hawk Walker, Rev. Grayand Hagler, Joan Mellen, William Pepper, others
(see below for details)
2pm - March to Capitol for 3:30pm - Press Conference at Capitol.
4pm - Lobby - Split into two groups: 1) to Pelosi's office, 2) to
Reid's office
5pm - Reception - Stewart Mott House, (see map) 122 Maryland Ave. NE
Wednesday, September 12: Lobby Training
9am-12noon - Susan Udry from United For Peace And Justice
Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol St, Washington, DC
All-Day - Lobby your representatives.
Thursday, September 13: Lobby Day
9am - 11am : Lobby Training, Movie - Mott House
Evening activity - movie at the Stewart Mott House(see map)
Friday, September 14: Strategy Sessions at the Mott House
Leaders of the Impeachment, Antiwar and Truth Movements are invited
to gather at the Mott House for planning and preparations for the
march on Saturday.
7pm-9pm Evening social at the Stewart Mott House.(see map)
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
TEL: 604-733-8134
FAX: 604-733-8135
Email: alw@...
9/11 War Crimes Tribunal: