Valley 9/11 Truth presents: “9/11: Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction”2-hr film 04 October 2007 in Northampton, MA
Flyby News Alert - Please note that the presenter in this film, architect, Richard Gage, AIA, will be presenting in person on November 3rd with Dr. Steven Jones, physicist, 9/11 family members and first responders for a 12 hour presentation from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM in West Hartford Connecticut. Please mark this date - more information to come soon - Tickets to cover the event will be $25 in advance (up to October 15) and $35 up to the event. Valley 9/11 Truth is seeking student organizations to bring Steven Jones and Ricard Gage to the 5-college area. Please contact me if you have any ideas to help make this happen. Also, note, Jonathan Mark will be speaking about the upcoming film this Thursday on Tuesday afternoon beginning at 4:30pm on the public affairs radio program hosted by Daria Fisk called "Upfront" on WMUA 91.1 FM (listen live: