Sunday, December 09, 2007
New York Times Bestselling Author Aims at 9/11 Coverup with Both
Barrels Blazing
New York Times bestselling author Steve Alten is releasing a novel
January 22nd which addresses the 9/11 stand down, the injection of
false radar blips into air traffic controllers' screens, PNAC, the
9/11 Commission whitewash, the Anthrax attacks, and related issues.
Written in the exciting, cloak-and-dagger style of Tom Clancy, the
novel -- The Shell Game -- has a shot at educating a large segment of
the American public who would otherwise remain in the dark about some
aspects of 9/11.
Alten is well-aware of media censorship of 9/11 truth (for example,
he agrees with this analysis, he also sent me an advance copy of the
book), and is trying to break through the media blockade using his
resume as bestselling author to spread his message.
I just finished reading The Shell Game, and caught up with Alten by
GW: I really like The Shell Game, Steve. It had me on the edge of my
seat, and I stayed up later than I should have a couple of nights to
finish it.
SA: My books tend to be ... page-turners. The Shell Game does that
and adds another twist ... it's all real, or it predicts what may
really happen unless we stop the insanity. To stop it you must first
be aware of it.
GW: If enough people read The Shell Game, it could bypass media
censorship regarding 9/11 and reach people who would otherwise not be
exposed to the facts. But if it doesn't sell well, then it will
simply be an entertaining read for those already aware of the facts
behind 9/11. So how are your efforts to promote The Shell Game going?
SA: We've been getting copies into the hands of key 9/11 groups over
the last six months. Now it's up to them to create a buzz ... along
with my mainstream fans.
GW: The Shell Game reads like a mix of Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum and
Dan Brown. Are those 3 authors all influences on your writing?
SA: Clancy, Thomas Harris, Ian Fleming...among others.
GW: Your discussions about 9/11 will be familiar to those who have
studied the issue. In addition to Michael Ruppert's Crossing the
Rubicon and David Ray Griffin's writings, what other 9/11 writings do
you like?
SA: 9/ And videos like Loose Change.
GW: My father-in-law says that people predicted Peak Oil decades ago,
and were proven wrong. Does the discovery of the massive new oil
reserve in Brazil change your conviction that Peak Oil is upon us?
SA: Unless it is as big as Ghawar ... no. Oil IS running out. If not,
do you seriously believe we'd have invaded Iraq?
GW: I've heard before that many of the world's top microbiologists
have been killed under suspicious circumstances, but I've never heard
anyone link their deaths to an alleged plot to reduce world
population through biological warfare. That was the scariest part of
the book for me. Do you have any evidence that the elites are really
planning a massive depopulation of this kind?
SA: Read Rubicon and extrapolate Peak Oil.
GW: Well, I hope you're wrong. In any event, thanks, Steve. I hope
the book does well.
SA: With your help it will ... for all of us.
UPDATE: Bill Douglas, Janice Matthews, David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan,
Dr. Robert Bowman and several other prominent 9/11 activists have
signed the following endorsement for Shell Game:
We, the undersigned, urge everyone seeking truth, peace and
justice, to not only purchase this new novel, "The Shell Game," but
also to email out this appeal to all you know who seek truth, peace
and justice in the form of 9/11 truth coming out. In turn, please
urge them to do the same with all their contacts and urge them to do
the same. We can break 9/11 truth open if we work together and focus
on this project for the next 30 days.
Yours in 9/11 truth, peace and justice,
Bill Douglas, 911 Visibility Project
Janice Matthews - Executive Director
David Ray Griffin - 9/11 Researcher and Author
Kevin Ryan -former UL chemistry laboratory manager & NIST report
whistle blower
Dr. Robert Bowman - Rtd. Colonel US Air Force, 9/11 truth leader;
Cosmos - "The Eleventh Day of Every Month" Campaign
Carol Brouillet - Organizer of 1st National 9/11 Truth Conference
in San Francisco
Mike Berger - "Improbable Collapse" Documentary Producer - 911Truth
David Kubiak - Board member
Kevin Barrett - Muslim/Christian/Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth