The Disinformer's Gambit
The Tactics of Disinformers
In the game of chess there exists a term; which describes a maneuver,
a stratagem, and a ploy; using different pieces working together, to
accomplish a secret purpose. This is called a gambit.
Those who hope to build totalitarian control over freedom loving
people, also use many gambits. BUT, the chess player has the
advantage of always knowing which pieces are on the other side. Those
who would defend liberty have no such luxury.
The most treacherous player in the gambit is the false patriot.
The false patriot will present himself as a defender of liberty, BUT
he will spend most of his time attacking the defenders of liberty,
under numerous pretenses. The false patriot will attempt to re-direct
attention in every direction EXCEPT at those, who are building
tyranny. The false patriot will attempt to re-direct attention to an
entire race, a religion, a large group with a few problems, or even
against patriots.
This is essentially the very old military strategy of the creation
a "decoy to draw enemy fire." The ultimate success of this deception
is to cause defenders of liberty to "fire" on non-combatants, or even
to "fire" on their own friends, and allies. In addition, the false
patriot will neutralize the efforts of the defenders of liberty. The
false patriot, like every other player in the gambit, will neutralize
the efforts of the defenders of liberty by:
1. Deceiving the defenders of liberty into supporting hoaxes.
2. Dividing the defenders of liberty into fighting each other by
creating strife among patriots.
3. Deceiving the defenders of liberty into creating class
struggle by promoting ethnic hatred.
4. Attempting to waste the time of patriots, by forcing them to
respond to personal attacks, or endless debate about trivia.
5. Using multiple aliases to create the appearance that there is
someone, who believes them to be credible.
6. ABOVE ALL: Accusing the most effective patriots of being false
Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.
It is VERY simple.
Those who spend their time fighting tyranny, are patriots.
Those who spend their time fighting patriots are working for the
advancement of tyranny.
The false patriot will generally proclaim himself to be a religious
zealot, but he will not adher to the principles of his proclaimed
religion, in his own actions. He might even; incomprehensibly, be an
ally of another player in the gambit; who is an admitted atheist, or
a socialist. The false patriot; and those whom he deceives into
promoting hoaxes, will reduce the credibility of all patriots. Those
who have heard outlandishly ridiculous "conspiracy theories" will
have a tendency to dismiss all "conspiracy theories" without serious
The admitted atheist, or socialist will supply the most fervent, and
obvious, opposition to the defenders of liberty. This player, in the
gambit, will make a strong frontal attack on everything that the
defenders of liberty do.
The admitted atheist, or socialist will implement the same goals;
that are listed above. The admitted atheist, or socialist will play
on the existence of outlandishly ridiculous "conspiracy theories" to
encourage people to dismiss all "conspiracy theories" without serious
The admitted atheist, or socialist will infest patriotic, and
religious, groups for no apparent reason. The main reasons are to
disrupt, to get the group deleted, or to waste the time of patriots.
Even though DISINFORMERS make it a practice of accusing the most
effective patriots of being false opposition, you will notice that
there are certain admitted government apologists, who are never
accused. This is because certain admitted government apologists are
also players in the gambit.
The admitted government apologist will attempt to portray the
defenders of liberty as subversives, as unreliable, and as
outlandishly mentally unstable.
The admitted government apologist will play on the existence of
outlandishly ridiculous "conspiracy theories" to encourage people to
dismiss all "conspiracy theories" without serious examination. The
admitted government apologist will use documents from the FBI, or
other government sources, as his authority.
Another player in the gambit, is the pretended neutral. The
pretended neutral will take almost none of the above actions, but
will work in the background, until a vital move is needed. The
pretended neutral will occasionally "vouch" for the other players in
the gambit. The pretended neutral may even be the moderator of a
group. When the pretended neutral is the moderator of a group, he
will take no action, as long as the other players in the gambit
are "holding their own". If the other players in the gambit are
NOT "holding their own", THEN he will intervene; perhaps even by
banning the most effective defenders of liberty.
The most effective defenders of liberty will be caught between all of
these different players in the gambit. One dead "give away" is the
fact that these different players in the gambit frequently are unable
to conceal their support for one another; in spite of their alleged
differences. The alleged religious zealot/patriot might be great
friends with the admitted atheist/socialist. The false patriot; who
is always accusing the most effective patriots of being false
opposition, might be great friends with the admitted government
apologist; whom he never accuses. The false patriot will even join
the egroup that is run by the admitted government apologist, and will
participate and support the admitted government apologist, in his own
If you will study the tactics used by the FBI COINTELPRO program.
THEN you will recognize FBI COINTELPRO immediately.
Take note of the following paragraph:
"The FBI COINTELPRO program was initiated in 1956. Its purpose, as
described later by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was "to expose,
disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities" of
those individuals and organizations whose ideas or goals he opposed.
Tactics included: falsely labeling individuals as informants;
infiltrating groups with persons instructed to disrupt the group;
sending anonymous or forged letters designed to promote strife
between groups; initiating politically motivated IRS investigations;
carrying out burglaries of offices and unlawful wiretaps; and
disseminating to other government agencies and to the media
unlawfully obtained derogatory information on individuals and groups."
If you understand the meaning of the tactic "to expose, disrupt,
misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize
activities" you will understand that the person who is most likely of
being a Fed, is the one who involves patriots in activities that have
no effect on those who are building tyranny, and activities that will
destroy the credibility of the patriots.
Those who are building tyranny would love to convince people that we
are all a bunch of paranoid nuts,
so that we will we unable to warn people about the building of
Those who are building tyranny would be more capable of convincing
people that we are paranoid nuts, if they could convince a segment of
the patriots to run around telling people that the clouds, and the
street signs, are out to get us, or that we should ban water.
If you understand the meaning of the tactic "infiltrating groups with
persons instructed to disrupt the group;
sending anonymous or forged letters designed to promote strife
between groups"
OR OF: "disseminating to other government agencies and to the media
unlawfully obtained derogatory information on individuals and
groups." THEN you will know that a campaign of personal attacks on
the real patriots is a part of the FBI COINTELPRO program.
If you understand the meaning of the tactic of falsely labeling
individuals as informants THEN you will know that the person; who is
most likely to be a fed, is the one who calls the real patriot a fed.
It is a common tactic of FBI COINTELPRO to try to be THE FIRST ONE
Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.
(Bush: Al CIAda hates US because of our freedoms)