Clintons to face fraud trial
Judge setting date, testimony to include ex-president, senator
Posted: February 19, 2008
11:27 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Peter Paul and President Clinton (Courtesy Hillcap.org)
While Hillary Clinton battles Barack Obama on the campaign trail, a
judge in Los Angeles is quietly preparing to set a trial date in a
$17 million fraud suit that aims to expose an alleged culture of
widespread corruption by the Clintons and the Democratic Party.
At the conclusion of a hearing tomorrow morning before California
Superior Court Judge Aurelio N. Munoz, lawyers for Hollywood mogul
Peter F. Paul will begin seeking sworn testimony from all three
Clintons - Bill, Hillary and Chelsea - along with top Democratic
Party leaders and A-list celebrities, including Barbra Streisand,
John Travolta, Brad Pitt and Cher.
Paul's team hopes for a trial in October. The Clintons' longtime
lawyer David Kendall, who will attend the hearing, has declined
comment on the suit.
The Clintons have tried to dismiss the case, but the California
Supreme Court, in 2004, upheld a lower-court decision to deny the
Bill Clinton, according to the complaint, promised to promote Paul's
Internet entertainment company, Stan Lee Media, in exchange for
stock, cash options and massive contributions to his wife's 2000
Senate campaign. Paul contends he was directed by the Clintons and
Democratic Party leaders to produce, pay for and then join them in
lying about footing the bill for a Hollywood gala and fundraiser.
The Clintons' legal counsel has denied the former president made any
deal with Paul. But Paul attorney Colette Wilson told WND there are
witnesses who say it was common knowledge at Stan Lee Media that Bill
Clinton was preparing to be a rainmaker for the company after he left
Paul claims former Vice President Al Gore, former Democratic Party
chairman Ed Rendell and Clinton presidential campaign chairman Terry
McAuliffe also are among the people who can confirm Paul engaged in
the deal.
Paul claims Rendell directed various illegal contributions to the DNC
and Hillary Clinton's campaign and failed to report to the Federal
Election Commission more than $100,000 given for a Hollywood event
for Gore's campaign and the Democratic National Committee in 2000.
McAuliffe, Paul says, counseled him in two separate meetings to
become a major donor to Hillary Clinton to pave the way to hire her
husband. Paul asserts top Clinton adviser Harold Ickes also directed
him to give money to the Senate campaign but hid that fact
in "perjured testimony" during the trial of campaign finance director
David Rosen.
Rosen was acquitted in 2005 for filing false campaign reports that
later were charged by the FEC to treasurer Andrew Grossman, who
accepted responsibility in a conciliation agreement that fined the
campaign 35,000. Paul points out the Rosen trial established his
contention that he personally gave more than $1.2 million to
Clinton's campaign and that his contributions intentionally were
hidden from the public and the Federal Election Commission.
Rosen, accused of concealing Paul's in-kind contribution of more than
$1 million, was acquitted, but Paul contends the Clinton staffer was
a scapegoat. Paul points out chief Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson
told the Washington Post he was aware of the donation, yet he never
was called as a witness in the Rosen trial.
Paul contends his case will expose "the institutional culture of
corruption embraced by the Clinton leadership of the Democratic
Party," which seeks to attain "unaccountable power for the Clintons
at the expense of the rule of law and respect for the constitutional
processes of government."
The complaint asserts Clinton has filed four false reports to the FEC
of Paul's donations in an attempt to distance herself from him after
a Washington Post story days after the August 2000 fundraiser
reported his past felony convictions. Clinton then returned a check
for $2,000, insisting it was the only money she had taken from Paul.
But one month later, she demanded another $100,000, to be hidden in a
state committee using untraceable securities.
"Why wouldn't that cause someone to inquire?" Paul asked. "Especially
since it was days after she said she wouldn't take any more money
from me."
Paul has the support of a new grass-roots political action group that
is helping garner the assistance of one of the nation's top lawyers
Republican activist Rod Martin says his group plans to highlight
Paul's case as it launches an organization based on the business
model of the left-wing MoveOn.org but rooted in the principles and
political philosophy of former President Reagan.
Martin's group also is assisting in Paul's complaint to the FEC
asserting that unless the agency sets aside the conciliation
agreement and rescinds immunity granted the senator, it will "have
aided and abetted in the commission" of a felony.
Paul's case is the subject of a video documentary largely comprised
of intimate "home movies" of Hillary Clinton and her Hollywood
supporters captured by Paul during the period.