Sunday, February 17, 2008

Fwd: European Parliament schedules 2/26 workshop on 9/11

Friday, February 15 2008 - 9/11 Commission

9/11 Truth Debate at European Parliament, February 26

On 11 September 2001 the United States were hit.
On 26 February 2008 the Truth Movement hits back!!!

Film & debate in the European Parliamant about 9/11.

Brussels 26 February 2008 7pm, PHS 3C50 (this is where the debate
will be held) – this event is NOT open to the public, only to
journalists and the politicians. (Nevertheless, Belgian & French
Truthers have their contacts and will make sure this debate is
videotaped and put online afterwards).

Organised by the Italian Europarlementarian Giulietto Chiesa.


The documentary will be followed by a debat lead by Andreas von
Bulow, Giulietto Chiesa, David Ray Griffin, Yukihisa Fujita, et al.

A few weeks after the Japanese parliament it is now Europe's turn to
open the debate on what really happened on 9/11. While journalists
and politicians still support the official version of the events,
defended by the Bush administration – in which the blame is laid on
Muslims – the Europarliamentarian from Italy, Giulietto Chiesa,
organizes an historical evening in the European Parliament in
Brussels on Tuesday 26th February. He will present his film ZERO –
9/11: Europe for an Independent Commission of Inquiry.

This documentary is the result of 8 months of intensive research and
interviews in Europe and the United States. It emphasizes the
inconsistencies, manipulations, lies and omissions of the official
inquiry. The film will be followed by a debate with Giulietto Chiesa
himself (journalist and politician in Italy, member of the European
Commission of Inquiry on the illegal prisons in Europe), Andreas von
Bulow (Former Minister from Germany and specialist of the secret
services), Prof. David Ray Griffin (Author of several 9/11 books) and
Yukihisa Fujita (Japanese parliamentarian).

This initiative was prompted by the international Truth Movement,
started by families of victims who clamor for a new and independent
inquiry into the events of 9/11.

[Posted (in Dutch) on the forum of (direct link to
the forum thread =]

Ed. Note: Special thanks to Mark Dermul of for English

More information in French here: