George Washington's Blog
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
This has been a fast-pace week. For those of who you have been
busy to keep up, let me summarize:
President Jimmy Carter said calls for a new 9/11
investigation "sound good"
President Bill Clinton said he didn't agree with the Bush
investigation into 9/11 (he also said 9/11 was not an inside job, but
he didn't say it wasn't intentionally allowed to happen or that the
U.S. air force was not stood down)
9/11 truth was discussed again in the Japanese parliament
Conservative Arizona state senator Karen Johnson said she is a
9/11 truth seeker
Anti-war icon Tom Hayden encouraged people to keep on pushing for
an investigation into 9/11
And a BBC anchor who reported on WTC7's collapse early agrees
there may be a 'conspiracy
Indeed, the truth is coming out so quickly that the neocons are
starting to panic. For example, the disinfo boys trotted out a
ridiculous psyops wherein Al-Qaida's No. 2 supposedly says that
theories questioning the official version of 9/11 are propagated by
And White House speech writer and arch neocon David Frum violently
assaulted a 9/11 truth activist for simply asking him some questions.
Is the tide starting to turn?
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