19 Jun 2008
All items are here:
Breaking: 'The lawsuits will be dismissed.' Deal reached in Congress:
Expand govt powers on wiretapping, grant immunity to telecoms 20 Jun
2008 Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress struck a deal on
Thursday to overhaul the rules on the government's wiretapping powers
and provide what amounts to legal immunity to the phone companies
that took part in President [sic] Bush's warrantless eavesdropping
program after the Sept. 11 attacks. The deal, expanding the
government's powers in some key respects, would allow intelligence
officials to use broad warrants to eavesdrop on foreign targets and
conduct emergency wiretaps without court orders on American targets
for a week if it is determined important national security
information would be lost otherwise... Senator Russ Feingold, the
Wisconsin Democrat who pushed unsuccessfully for more civil liberties
safeguards in the plan, called the deal "a capitulation" by his
fellow DemocRATs.
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