Calling all "V"s to NYC December 16th & 17th

USDC Case # 04CV01211The Lawsuit To Restore Constitutional OrderOBJECTIVE: Reclaim Popular Sovereignty by Enforcing The "Long-Forgotten" First Amendment Right To PetitionCURRENT STATUS: Awaiting the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, DC LEARN MORE & access the legal documents
We the People Congress on Long Island with the approval of Headquarters is planning to inform people about the Right to Petition and the D.C. "V" rally in 2007 to the thousands of people shopping this holiday season in NYC. We would like it if we could all do this together. Dates: Saturday and Sunday Dec. 16th & 17th Time: Gather between 11:00 - 11:30 am (meeting location TBA) for you to obtain the signs, disperse to designated spots, and re-group at 5 pm to hand in signs. Where: Flyer at Times Square, Rockefeller Center, in the Village, Staten Island ferry, near Fox News Room, etc. What: In groups of 2-4 people, in our "V" costumes with hand signs and flyers, distribute flyers to inform people about the RTP, the D.C. "V" rally in 2007, and the We the People Foundation. We are looking for people to come dressed in their "V" costumes, if you do not have one that is OK too, we will pair you with someone who is wearing one. Sign Up: Please RSVP by December 13th at and let me know which days you will be available and whether or not you have a costume. I will send each of you an electronic copy of the flyer for you to print out. If you are coming from Long Island and plan on taking the train, please indicate that as well, if we get over 30 people we may be able to get a discount rate on the LIRR. General Comments: Next week details of where we'll meet, possible places to get dressed and possible hotel rooms for those that want to participate both days and don't live near by will be e-mailed to everyone. For the message we are delivering to be uniform, everyone will receive a talking sheet as to what to say about the mask and why we are here, etc. This way everyone gets the same message. I spoke with Police Officer Paul Spano of Midtown South Community Affairs Division of the NYPD and they assured me there will be no problem for us to hand out information on the side walk in costume, it is our first amendment right. I am working on obtaining a letter from the NYPD stating just that so we don't have any problems. Please dress appropriately under your "V" costume, the weather in NY has been in the mid to low 40s. Lastly, if you are interested in acquiring a "V" costume, they are available on the web at We The People Congress, Inc.2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, New York 12804
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