Thursday, February 8th, 2007
Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the
Before the 9/11 Attacks?
A new article in the newsletter Counterpunch examines unresolved
questions over whether Israeli agents were tracking the 9/11 hijackers
before September 11th. ABC's 20/20, The Forward, and Salon.com have
all covered the story. But where's the follow up? We speak to the
author of the article, Christopher Ketcham; Counterpunch editor
Alexander Cockburn, and Marc Perelman, the Forward reporter who did
of the first reports on the story in 2002.
Were Israeli agents tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th?
In 2002, ABC's 20/20 Salon.com and The Jewish newspaper The Forward
all did this story. But where's the follow up?
Freelance journalist Christopher Ketcham has just published a
comprehensive piece on this story in the newsletter Counterpunch. The
article highlights various interconnected stories: The five Israeli
"movers" who witnesses say were cheering after the first plane
struck the World Trade Center; the so-called Israeli art students who
were living in concentrated areas where hijackers were living around
United States and how two of the hijackers ended up on the Watch List
weeks before 9/11.
Christopher Ketcham, the author of the article, joins us on the line
from upstate New York. Alexander Cockburn also joins us on the line.
is the editor of Couterpunch where the piece is published. And with us
here in the firehouse studio is Marc Perelman he is the reporter who
one of the first reports on the story for The Forward in 2002.
* Marc Perelman. Diplomatic Correspondent for The Forward. He broke
story about Israeli spies in 2002.
* Alexander Cockburn. Editor of Counterpunch.
* Christopher Ketcham. Freelance journalist. Author of "What Did
Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?" in the latest edition
of CounterPunch's print newsletter.
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Segment starts at 45:35