Nearly 100 transportation centers bringing people to
Washington, D.C. on Saturday, March 17.
*please circulate widely to friends, family and email lists*
Dear Larry,
Tens of thousands of people will unite on March 17 at the
Pentagon against the war and to demand the Impeachment of
George W. Bush and other high officials.
Permits have been secured for this historic demonstration
which Ramsey Clark will help lead. March 17 is the 4th
anniversary of the start of the criminal war in Iraq. 2007
is also the 40th anniversary of the 1967 March on the
It took five long months to secure the right of the people
to march against the war and in support of impeachment. Many
told us that a permit at the Pentagon would be impossible.
But because of a protracted political and legal struggle we
have won this major free speech victory. Bush may not want
us there, but we will not be deterred. The whole world will
be watching that day.
Impeachment supporters are getting on buses, trains and
planes to come to Washington. This is a united effort
between the impeachment movement and many anti-war and
social justice organizations. In fact, there are hundreds
of organizations that are working together to bring people
to Washington. You can find out about a transportation
center nearest you by going to www.MarchOnPentagon.org.
There are now nearly 100 transportation centers coming from
cities up and down the East Coast, New England, the Midwest
and South.
Please make an urgently needed donation today. You can make
an online donation or send a check by clicking here:
This is a massive undertaking and your help is needed right
now. Each bus from New York City costs $1,500, each bus from
Boston costs $2,500. And from Chicago and further out cities
even more. The buses need to be paid for now even before low
cost tickets are sold. The costs for the stage and sound
will be in the tens of thousands of dollars. We are printing
hundreds of thousands of flyers, posters, and stickers to
publicize the march and the impeachment movement. Please
make a donation now to help this demonstration succeed:
Your help will make a difference!
All out for the March on the Pentagon, Saturday March 17!
In solidarity,
All of us at ImpeachBush.org/VoteToImpeach
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