Aaron Dykes / Jones Report February 9, 2007
Video posted recently on Live Leak shows now World Bank
President Paul Wolfowitz delivering a June 2001 West Point
commencement speech wherein he focused on surprise attacks-- making
heavy reference to Pearl Harbor.
Wolfowitz illustrated, just months before the infamous 9/11
attacks, that Pearl Harbor is interesting in that it was "preceded by
an astonishing number of unheeded warnings and missed signals."
This surfacing video only reinforces the pre-meditation
established by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).
Wolfowitz helped to pen the think tank's September 2000
document 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' which stated on pg. 51,
amidst a larger call for dramatic military build-up, that:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings
revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."
Pearl Harbor is mentioned again later in the document in
arguing for not only accelerated military spending, but for updated,
state-of-the-art equipment, vehicles and Navy vessels.
"Absent a rigorous program of experimentation to investigate
the nature of the revolution in military affairs as it applies to war
at sea, the Navy might face a future Pearl Harbor - as unprepared for
war in the post-carrier era as it was unprepared for war at the dawn
of the carrier age."
This veiled threat evokes memories of a long-line of iconic
false-flag attacks on U.S. ships-- including the Maine and the Gulf
of Tonkin-- which, like Pearl Harbor, also launched profitable wars.
During his June 2001 speech, Wolfowitz commented on the role of
such unanticipated events:
"Military history is full of surprises, even if few are as
dramatic or memorable as Pearl Harbor. Surprises happen so often,
that is is surprising that we're still surprised by it."
At least since his 1992 'Wolfowitz Doctrine' under George H.W.
Bush, he has called for a sharp transformation of military
capabilities into an unilateral and pre-emptive security arm for
world conflicts-- solidifying U.S. primacy in the world order and
ensuring control over mid-east oil.
One year after the goal of military escalation was reaffirmed
in the PNAC documents-- written largely by members of the Bush
administration-- the 9/11 'surprise' attack happened and Wolfowitz
saw his dream of military build-up come to fruition-- including
massive increases in budget, far beyond even the $100 billion
increase Wolfowitz called for a decade earlier.
Remember, President Bush had the orders to launch war in
Afghanistan on his desk two days prior to 9/11, but didn't sign them
until after the attacks.
Wolfowitz seemed to expect an unexpected war could be just
around the corner during his June 2001 speech. He went into some
detail about the tendency of governments to get into a "routine of
obsession with familiar dangers"-- explaining why a multitude of
threats and signals can be overlooked and fail to prevent surprise
attacks like that on Pearl Harbor.
He illustrates the rather ironic story of David Starr Jordan,
who predicted-- just before the start of World War I-- that nations
would not go to war in the future because banks would not find them
to be profitable.
Nearly a century later, Wolfowitz warns us that we should:
"use hindsight to replace the poverty of expectations with
anticipation of the unfamiliar and the unlikely."
He reiterated those words in the closing remarks of his address
to West Point graduates:
"Be prepared to be surprised. Have courage."
Now in the comfort of hindsight, it is chilling to realize that
such an unexpected war was just beyond Wolfowitz's warning-- the
unlikely 9/11 attack was just around the corner and indeed, there was
a heavy atmosphere of unheeded warnings in the intelligence community
leading up to the surprise attack.
Fortunately for Wolfowitz, he was not embarrassing wrong as
Jordan had been before World War I. He was, in fact, surprisingly
dead on-- so much so, that one would swear he had prior knowledge.
(Wolfowitz, like fellow PNAC member William Kristol, is seen as
an heir apparent to Leo Strauss, who believes openly in deceiving the
public-- that it is not only acceptable, but necessary. Paul
Wolfowitz chose the University of Chicago over Harvard in order to
study under Strauss, who held a professorship there.)