Call & support Dennis Kucinich for taking a courageous ANTI-CORPORATE-
CRIMINAL stance.
We are still surprised and disgusted at the weak & wimpy show of
support for CYNTHIA MCKINNEY when SHE was so violently attacked by
these "Ministry-of-Propaganda" Nazi-goons.
We don't care how badly your brains have been fried or your family
attacked (Join the Club!!) !! If you can still crawl to a
telephone or computer, then please stand up for the few HEROES in our
Congress(despite whatever shortfalls-to-perfection & knowledge-
deficiencies they may have) who have stood up for you ( the PUBLIC)
to the best of their ability, time & again ( DESPITE the implied
threat to them all of the WELLSTONE ASSASSINATION!!)!!!
Lynn Surgalla
Kucinich Attacked For Standing for Peace - Dennis needs your
Dear Friends,
This past weekend, thousands of people flooded the halls of
Congress to lobby in favor of Congressman Dennis Kucinich's
legislative proposal to enact a Department of Peace. Yesterday, a
Cleveland area PUBLIC radio station lambasted Congressman Kucinich
and his proposed Department of Peace without fully gathering the
WCPN carried an interview today in which the talk show host,
Daniel Moulthrop, raised questions about Congressman Kucinich's
proposal for a Department of Peace by asking his guest on the show,
Chris Maag, what he thought about it. The Department of Peace
addresses domestic abuse, spousal abuse, and other violent crimes.
Chris Maag, a freelance writer for the New York Times and Time
Magazine, went on to describe Congressmen Kucinich as "a clown,
lazy," and falsely chastised the Congressman for not doing anything
about what were clearly local law enforcement issues.
In 2001, almost 21,000 homicides and 31,000 suicides occurred
and almost 1.8 million people were assaulted. Homicide was the second
leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 24. The annual cost of
treating gunshot wounds is over $200 billion. Cutting and stab wounds
cost an additional $51 billion. The cost of violence, though, cannot
be measured only monetarily. To address this culture of violence,
Congressman Kucinich, along with 52 of other congressional co-
sponsors, has reintroduced the Department of Peace legislation.
On the radio show, Moulthrop's guest Chris Maag criticized
Congressman Kucinich and his proposal for a Department of Peace while
simultaneously claiming that the Congressman is doing nothing to
address the issues of crime and violence.
Call WCPN today at 1-877-399-3307 and DEMAND that they provide
the Cleveland area with the real facts about the Department of Peace
and that Moulthrop apologize to Congressman Kucinich for belittling
such an ambitious and widely supported legislative proposal. Urge
them to read the Department of Peace legislation.
Please send a positive yet assertive message to WCPN about the
Department of Peace and Congressman Kucinich's vigilant work ethic to
usher in a culture of nonviolence into America. Send emails to
news@... or go to the response box. Also, please call the radio
station at 216-916-6100 or toll free at 877-399-3307.
Also, in addition to your phone calls, please help Dennis
promote the true message of peace by contributing to Dennis'
courageous stand for peace in our homes and communities.
Thank you for all of your help,
Elizabeth Kucinich
Please support Dennis's work by making a contribution at, and by forwarding this message widely.
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Paid for by Kucinich for President 2008, Inc.