Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
August 16, 2007 -
Up Dollar * Palast-Jones * 9/11 Cult
"By deciding to ante up $38 billion for a
hopeless bailout of predatory Wall Street
hedge funds and the banks that stand behind them, Federal Reserve
Helicopter Ben Bernanke has placed the bankrupt US dollar on a direct
towards the precipice of hyperinflation. In so
doing, he has given new momentum
to the backers and controllers of Dick Cheney,
who favor an insane flight forward
into general war with Iran, deluding themselves that they can thus
escape from
both military defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, and
from the death agony of the dollar."
- - Webster G. Tarpley
1) Helicopter Ben Unleashes Dollar Hyperinflation
- - Cheney Urging Strikes On Iran
- - Economic Expert: We Are Already In An Engineered Recession
- - The Cult of 9/11
- - We Need To Counter Those Pushing for A False Flag Attack
- - China's Tallest Building Catches Fire, Does Not Collapse
2) Greg Palast apologizes to Dr. Steven Jones
- - William Rodriguez – Hero of 9/11 – 1 hr Radio Special
- - The Obama Campaign V.S. Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth
- - CIA Analyst Discusses Possible Cheney 9/11 Stand-down Order
- - Wolfowitz 'Tried to Censor World Bank on Climate Change'
- - Loose Change Final Cut – 1st test screening (Norway)
- - New major motion picture on the REAL 9/11 "The Reflecting Pool"
3) Bush Administration Says Warrantless Eavesdropping Okay
- - Domestic Spying, Plastic Risks, Airlines Sue CIA & FBI, More
- - Rove's Science of Dirty Tricks
- - Video about the head of the 9/11 Commission, Phillip Zelikow
- - Hillary Pushes the Button
- - Unknown Terror of DU
- - Finnish UN Officer Contaminated by Depleted Uranium (DU)
- - See Who's Editing Wikipedia - Diebold, the CIA..
Editor's Notes:
In economic circles, the shit is hitting the fan.
In this dangerous time people are losing their
homes, while the banks are being over-inflated.
In our last issue we posted an article from
<>World Reports about
global crisis. In this issue we are posting in
item 1 compatible viewpoints; by Webster Tarpley
and another by Steve Watson. I have called family
and friends who are invested in Wall Street and
advised to sell and reduce all their debt and
invest in real things that have to do with clean
air, water, food, and energy. For those wanting
to join efforts for renewable cost effective
conversion of (waste) processed heat into
electrical power, I suggest visiting FN's page on
a practical
Solution for onsite power production. We are at
the edge of the universe where Earth's ecosystem
degradation can be accelerated or slowed down. I
think slowing down makes sense.
Item 2 begins with an update on
<>Greg Palast
apologizing to Dr. Steven Jones. I agree with the
comment following the article at –
"Just goes to show, when you have truth on your
side, there is no reason to degrade yourself to
name-calling and attacks. Well-done Dr. Jones!
This is a good example for all of us."
A special one hour interview with 9/11 Hero
William Rodriguez will air on KPFK Los Angeles -
Pacifica Radio - this Friday August 17 at 1PM PT
(4PM ET). You can listen to the entire hour by
visiting <> and
clicking the "Listen Live" button. In case you
miss it, don't fret, just visit the Audio
Archives section of the site and look for
InnerVision Fridays with Michael Benner. Later
that evening William will be joined by actor Ed
Asner and speaking to a crowd in Los Angeles at
the Immanuel Presbyterian Church located at 3300
Wilshire Blvd. The program begins at 7PM. For
more info call 805-653-1588 or log onto
<> C-SPAN is coming to
film it, too!
There will be a peace rally and march in
Kennebunk, Maine, during a time that GW is
expected to be on vacation there. Join Cindy
Sheehan, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, retired
Colonel Ann Wright, George Paz Martin co-chair of
UFPJ, Melida and Carlos Arredondo, Greg Speeter
from National Priorities, Bruce Gagnon as well as the Indigo
Girls, and others. VOLUNTEERS needed! Please
contact Jamilla at jamillaelshafei@... and
see <>Kport protest
link. Also, learn more from
<>Northern New England
9/11 Truth.
Also, note – get ready for big sixth anniversary
9/11 related events in NYC – on 9/11 and on the
weekend prior. Come hear experts present the
facts that break through the official myths and
bring you new awareness. For list of speakers and
other details, see:
<>Ready for Mainstream 9/11
"When the people fear the `government,' that is tyranny.
When the `government' fears the people, that is liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson
For issue with articles and links, see:
August 16, 2007 -
Up Dollar * Palast-Jones * 9/11 Cult
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